I-ISSN Title Journal
9748822 IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature
9748822 IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature
9733728 IUPJournal of English Studies
9718834 JK
9721177 JK
9724958 JMS
- Journal of Medical Society
0971071X Journal
International Medical Sciences Academy
2537214 Journal
of Advanced Zoology
9721665 Journal
of Agrometeorology
9725946 Journal
of Algebra and Discrete Structures
9725954 Journal
of Analysis and Applications
9712119 Journal
of Applied Animal Research
9721045 Journal
of Applied Horticulture
2506335 Journal
of Astrophysics and Astronomy
2505991 Journal
of Biosciences
9716777 Journal
of Camel Practice and Research
9731482 Journal
of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
14773163 Journal
of Carcinogenesis
9742115 Journal
of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
9743626 Journal
of Chemical Sciences
0973709X Journal
of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
9765662 Journal
of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma
195138 Journal of
Communicable Diseases
9720707 Journal
of Conservative Dentistry
9740333 Journal
of Current Glaucoma Practice
9709371 Journal
of Cytology
2537222 Journal
of Dharma
9727272 Journal
of Digital Information Management
Scopus indexed Indian journals - 2
9724397 Journal
of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health
2548704 Journal
of Environmental Biology
0972060X Journal
of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants
221155 Journal of Food
Science and Technology
221333 Journal of
9741216 Journal
of Gynecological Endoscopy and Surgery
17564255 Journal
of Hindu Studies
9741208 Journal
of Human Reproductive Sciences
9710973 Journal
of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
9731342 Journal
of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
9719261 Journal
of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons
9724052 Journal
of Indian Prosthodontist Society
0972124X Journal
of Indian Society of Periodontology
9702083 Journal
of Industrial Pollution Control
9716203 Journal
of Medical Physics
222755 Journal of
Mines, Metals and Fuels
9729941 Journal
of Minimal Access Surgery
9725547 Journal
of Natural Remedies
9719202 Journal
of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India
9700374 Journal
of Optics (India)
0973029X Journal
of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
9717196 Journal
of Parasitic Diseases
18171745 Journal
of Pediatric Neurosciences
9751459 Journal
of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
9717811 Journal
of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
9700838 Journal
of Polymer Materials
223859 Journal of
Postgraduate Medicine
9725687 Journal
of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
9737510 Journal
of Pure and Applied Microbiology
9703357 Journal
of Rural Development
9748938 Journal
224456 Journal of
Scientific and Industrial Research
9731741 Journal
of South Asian Development
9746196 Journal
of South India Medicolegal Association
9711600 Journal
of Spacecraft Technology
9700137 Journal
of Structural Engineering (Madras)
9701893 Journal
of Surface Science and Technology
32778 Journal of the
Anatomical Society of India
167622 Journal of the
Geological Society of India
194247 Journal of the
Indian Academy of Applied Psychology
194522 Journal of the
Indian Chemical Society
194964 Journal of the
Indian Institute of Science
9704388 Journal
of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
0255660X Journal
of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
9710469 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part CP: C D
2574411 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MM: Metallurgy
9710450 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MR
2576708 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR
2574438 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part TXDivision
2573423 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India): Aerospace Engineering Journal
2573431 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division
0257344X Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India): Architectural Engineering Division
203351 Journal of the
Institution of Engineers (India): Chemical Engineering Division
3731995 Journal
of the Institution of Engineers (India): Civil Engineering Division
203408 Journal of the
Institution of Engineers (India): Mechanical Engineering Division
Scopus indexed Indian journals - 2
3684636 Journal
of the Textile Association
9729062 Journal
of Vector Borne Diseases
9711031 Journal
of Veterinary Parasitology
9751483 Journal
of Young Pharmacists
9723560 Journal,
Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine
2505371 Legume
9702113 Lung
251569 Man in India
9703950 Mapan
- Journal of Metrology Society of India
2529416 Mausam
3771237 Medical
Journal Armed Forces India
0971720X Medico-Legal
9719458 Medieval
History Journal
9731229 Mens
Sana Monographs
0250541X National
Academy Science Letters
0970258X National
Medical Journal of India
9726268 Nature
Environment and Pollution Technology
283886 Neurology India
14631741 Noise
and Health
9725997 Online
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
0970020X Oriental
Journal of Chemistry
0975444X Otorhinolaryngology
9722408 Perinatology
9703012 Pestology
316849 Pharma Times
19185561 Pharmaceutical
9753575 Pharmacognosy
9731296 Pharmacognosy
9748490 Pharmacognosy
9737847 Pharmacognosy
9715894 Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants
319449 Phytomorphology:
An International Journal of Plant Morphology
9725210 Plant
9722025 Plant
Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
2578050 Pollution
0032471X Population
3044289 Pramana
- Journal of Physics
9750533 Pravara
Medical Review
2534126 Proceedings
of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences
3698203 Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A
9713336 Psychology
and Developing Societies
9712070 Range
Management and Agroforestry
9741496 Rasayan
Journal of Chemistry
7469179 Research
and Development (Barrington, Illinois)
9720626 Research
Journal of Chemistry and Environment
9743618 Research
Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
9723226 Research
on Crops
9718044 Resonance
9712313 Rheedea
9752935 Rupkatha
Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
2562499 Sadhana
- Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
9727671 Sankhya:
The Indian Journal of Statistics
13193767 Saudi
Journal of Gastroenterology
9717218 Science,
Technology and Society
2576430 Studies
in History
9735070 Studies
on Ethno-Medicine
9721525 Sugar
3779343 The
Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciences
45772 The Journal of
the Association of Physicians of India
296503 The Nursing
journal of India
9716580 Toxicology
0371750X Transactions
of the Indian Ceramic Society
0019493X Transactions
of the Indian Institute of Metals
9709851 Transactions
of the Institute of Indian Geographers
9711198 Trends
in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs
9750304 Trends
in Carbohydrate Research
5643295 Tropical
0250636X Tropical
gastroenterology : official journal of the Digestive Diseases Foundation
9704078 Vegetos
9724036 Veterinary
9728988 Veterinary
0972057X Water
and Energy International
9755039 World
Journal of Endocrine Surgery
9745092 World
Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery